Sunday, June 23, 2019

Malefixio-Culto a lo Invisible

Malefixio are a Deathrock band from Barcelona, Spain. The members of the band are Eva Lady Stardust , Jordi Nozin and Mauricio. If the haunting vocals I will talk about later in this post sound familiar it's because Eva was formerly in the band "La Peste Negra" (another band I recommend checking out) before their split.

My first exposure to the band Malefixio was the video for Ritval from their self titled Demo "Malefixio" on youtube. The video is full of witches, demons, devils and rituals as well plenty of other spooky visuals. (Which if you haven't guessed by now is right up my alley) The song it's self was in Spanish, which I do not speak, however the sound of the song it's self left me with little question as to what it was about. The sinister guitar rifts and haunting vocals gave me chills and I found myself listening to the track over and over again. Once I read that the song name translated to "Ritual" and that the lyrics all described a ritual, I was over the moon.. After hearing their second song from that demo "Todos Somos Uno" , which is another great track, I was already a fan. I was also delighted to find out that the band name "Malefixio" translates to "spell", "hex" or "curse", which just added to the over all atmosphere.

This brings us to the album this post is truly about, "Culto a lo Invisible". As much as I already loved the demo from the band, this first album only made me like them more. Both of the songs from the Demo I already liked show up here as well as 7 other original tracks and a cover of a song by another great band Madre del Vizio, entitled "Triviallita". The songs on this album, to use the bands words are about society, Mediterranean Mythology or Paganism in addition to Rituals or Hexes. The artwork on the album cover is also great and I read in an interview that the symbols are a "Defixio", which was "a Mediterranean Curse, before Christ era, written on the graves for wish the worst luck to enemies even after death This way the enemies didn't come back for revenge" (For the full interview please click here: Malefixio Interview )

I mentioned before that the guitar was sinister, which it is, yet it is also quite catchy and the riffs will most certainly get stuck in your head along with the wonderful driving bass lines. If you are like me and don't speak Spanish please don't let that keep you from checking out this album as the vocals are just important a part of the over all sound as any other instrument and are executed wonderfully. The lyrics are also translated for you in both the album Booklet as well as on the Bandcamp site.

You can currently buy either the CD or the digital download as well as shirts, buttons or patches from their Bandcamp or Big cartel pages, which I will leave links to below in addition to their Facebook, Youtube, Spotify and Band Website. 

Click the links below for all things Malefixio :
Malefixio Bandcamp
Malefixio Official Website
Malefixio Youtube
Malefixio Big Cartel
Malefixio Facebook
Malefixio Spotify

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